FAQ: How do I add new stations by hand?

If you want to create your own station file by hand, you'll need three basic tools. Normally they should be already installed on your system. Some kind of text editor (e.g. Notepad++), a graphics app (such as Gimp) and a zip creator program (e.g. 7-zip)

Collect informations on your new station / Create the station_id.txt file
Nowaddays radio stations tend to offer all informations needed on their website. In order to create a station_id.txt, you'll need to know the ones given below. Make sure you put the informations into the textfile in the same order. Each one has to be in a separate line:

  • Station name (an example station)
  • Station hompage url (http://www.example_station.com)
  • Station genre (a number from 0 to 24) - Complete list
  • Total number of server addresses
  • Each server stream address (
  • ... (up to the total number)

An easy way to find new radio stations and their server addresses is by using radio portals such as SHOUTcast. The audio stream has to use the mp3 format. WMV, Realmedia and AAC streams are currently not supported. The reason for that is that they are restritive non open formats.

Make a station logo / Create the station_ico.png file
The image is used by PRP to display the radio station logo. Optimal image size is 274x87 pixels. Images will be scaled in order to fit this resolution. While PNGs (lossless compression) give the best results, JPEGs are also supported. Just make sure that you keep the filename and file extension *.png. To make things easier, you can use this logo template. You aren't forced to include an image in a station file. The station will still play fine without it. Also this will result in a much smaller filesize.

Final Preparations
Pack the two files (station_id.txt and station_ico.png) into a zip archive. Rename the extension from *.zip to *.prp. Finally, place the file created into the stations folder. The new radio station will appear in the selection list the next time the application is rerun.